11 comments (0 hidden)

Art & story are poor as shit
Lol what happened to the https://********.***/'s funny but a bit silly.
so fun
Can't wait for the next chapter
Damn the bastard is still alive, and now has a new victim. Also wasn't she pregnant in the last chapter? Strange I'm getting a Deja Vu moment.
where is episode 2
Pls, upload more episode of this. I love the artstyle...
I wanna see more of the dad's island story. Screw everything else.
Should have ended in chapter 7 IMO
This guy just doesn't know when to die huh? So the girl graduates her class and later fucks the principal. She gets impregnated by his big dick. After that the teacher is in a stranded island looking for food and shelter and finds a native women and chases her. That's about it. 6 out of 10 for this Doujin.

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