6 comments (0 hidden)

Wow so rough
English machine B R O K E
Wow the language was not easy to follow. Maybe there is a better translation of this somewhere? But the story is good.
And she didn't even notice what kind of sorcery is this
wheres the next chapter? almost 1 year but still no updates, is the author dead already?
When I saw the ugly bastard tag I knew some shit was to go down on this one. So a guy from school talks to a girl about things and says a comment about her having a nice ass and gets punched. She gies swimming and the gym coach talks to her. She gets in the girls locker room and faints. The coach comes in and rapes her while she's asleep. Another part has the guy from before needing to use the toilet while the rape is happening. After he's finished he films the video and leaves to his office and watches her go. I give this a 7 out of 10.

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