7 comments (0 hidden)

just the name. no artist,content.
So he's not dead? Damn. That last "Bonus" part is a "What If" right? Still the art is good, can't wait for the next part.
Shigeru miyamoto
Is tat ben 10 grandfather ?
>>22523 @ BronzeRobot
Not the same guy, but yes it says if scene in the top left
Bahah I wish every NTR had the balls to do that to the dirty old man or NTR villain, just off them like wow that came out of nowhere I hope it ended like that perm
That you professor oak?
Bro just when I thought the madness would be over. It just gets worse. The girl goes on a cruise with her mother and her teacher. They walk around the cruise until they go to a room where the teacher fucks the mom. Next the girl comes in and he fucks both if them while the mother is wearing a blindfold. The mother realised it's her daughter and feels shame. The girl and guy talk near the edge of deck near the ledge and the teacher leans back and falls to his death. Karmas a bitch. Next a random dude comes up and fucks her gives her money. 7 out of 10 because the teacher dies for his crimes.

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