Fails the presence rule (tags should be on 25% of the content for a gallery this short, maybe down to 20% if it's mostly sequential)
As far as I know Nekohime is so synonymous with Hennojin, specifying scanlator credits beyond the group is more relevant for the groups which are very large or inconsistent (Doujins.Com EHCove, and Head Empty are the only ones I can think of in that situation, perhaps Little White Butterflies and/or Team Vanilla).
>>1258256 @ Marik
Translator still has priority if the upload is salvageable though (not being able to fix the source link for him is a bit annoying but it got DMCAd anyway)
as far as I'm aware he credits himself as the only member of The Ancient Hentai Theory
>>1258284 @ Marik
We don't allow the gallery if MTL had significant impact on the quality.
We don't fucking care if it didn't.
>>1258222 @ Marik
Puru convention tag mentioned here is not showing up as option on tag edits (I actually tried this already when I uploaded it initially because I sorta doubted I'd really be the first one to upload something from that convention)
Nudity disqualified non-h
>>1258027 @ Marik
Oh right I was gonna mention that as well, with Western content we have to be a lot more vigilant about ongoing content.

Western Content should indeed not replace Asian stuff completely, but because refusing it for this long has created quite a large backlog it will likely be pretty common till we're a bit more caught up.
As for Webtoon, Game CG, and Artbook / アートブック I think those categories are niche enough (Artbooks in general I'm not a huge fan of because they're generally just random imagesets with a colophon stapled on, nothing to really 'read' not even a textless narrative like Game CGs) to have Western content share the existing categories instead of spamming new categories for every edgecase.
>>1258010 @ Puru
Thanks, I will include some western stuff in the next approval wave then (did 99 galleries less than a week ago to make up for sporadic activity so might be a while).

I wasn't sure how far you wanted to go with extra categories so there are 4 more on pending for consideration. Just like Western I have no personal issue with them but I'm not too sure if Pururin is really the right place for them, maybe we should just watch the community response to Western before deciding on that. If those others do end up approved I'd want to have tighter quality control on them, I can think of only a few AI galleries I'd consider worthy of uploading myself but it definitely can be polished up to that point if the "artist" compensates through effort on photoshopping the worst bits and having a good story)
I literally warned you I was going to take this myself if we were going to have Western content at all, I already put in the effort of tagging it properly.

If I'm going to deal with the likely backlash for this rule change I'd prefer to at least have dibs on some of my favorites (likely to be tagged Mind Control and/or (Long) Gloves so it should be easy to avoid sniping them)
Puru really needs to look into this bug of new tags being duplicated
Just to be clear, I'm approving the category preemptively on the assumption that Puru will actually make a proper announcement as I requested and doesn't chicken out immediately after backlash.

I do this in part so that pending uploads that would only be allowed with this category officialized can use the category in advance (they'd still be rejected at some point if Puru doesn't confront the community about allowing it) and in part to test if I can actually make categories properly now (I know it was a fucking shitshow back when Artbook and Webtoon were added).

DO NOT ADD IT TO EXISTING GALLERIES, I will do so in a very limited manner but if this does turn out to be just as big of a mess as those previous categories I'd like to find out in a limited, controlled, environment instead of when dozens of galleries are affected. (that being said Lightsource is the only artist I can think of where this category would be needed but I know there are some others out there)
Puru I blame system if it keeps creating duplicate tags for characters already on pending tbf, might want to look into that.
^Dupe check is a bit fucky
On one hand it's going to miss stuff like this if either you or the other uploader bothered to do the names properly
And on the other hand it'll get very aggressive if you try to reupload anything that has been on pending but deleted because the image order got messed up or it got updated; Or if an existing gallery just happens to have the same name if it's something really generic like "Saimon Kanojo"/"Hypnotized Girl(friend)"
>>1257958 @ Puru
Announce it officially on the discord then instead of some comment section. I won't take the fall for allowing it and I won't approve galleries in the category untill the community has been warned/informed properly.
I'll absolutely be taking the long gloved "princesses" for myself if Puru does allow western later
>>1257479 @ Glovelove
If you want to force this through give me a poke on discord, suppose I'll upload my Western and/or 3d and/or AI favorites on EH if this is actually something you approved without me seeing it.

Personally I'd recommend polling opinions on discord first, not really waiting for the inevitable BS claims from Shirou about how it's always my fault when there's anything he doesn't like, so I'd prefer to have it very clear that initiative behind this change would not be coming from me and give people the chance to shoot the idea down if they're still as strongly opposed to it now as they used to be.

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