Disgusting. The part of the boy not wanting to share his girl with the others but she still offered her ass, not sure if she was joking or not, and they still double teamed her was the final straw. Gets the lowest rating possible.
Would've been a 5/5 without the teddy bear shit. Seems like she only fucks him while he wears it. Earlier he said he didn't like wearing it then at the end he says he doesn't mind it. How you can't keep a story consistent between like 5 pages always astonishes me.
Lame. Of course they had to pussy out by making her adopted in the end. I wish there was a separate tag for shit like that. It's not incest if they're not related.
Well the 1st half was decent with the mother, daughter and step son, would've been better if the daughter was a virgin though. Also kind of wish the mother wasn't as experienced due to having her daughter at 16 leaving a bad experience with sex. The 2nd half sucked.