Wot da fakkk?! Hyufine and Luna foking 😳😳😳 unbelievable 😤😤
Jk, art pretty good but can be improved.
Eh? I thought Freehand Tamashii is the artist...
>page 9
Cucumber boobs
>Page 14
Papaya boobs
Remember kid, ddd
Don't do drugs
This is dumb. 5/5
Can't be bored even though I reread this many time, as expected from Kiliu-sensei
Wow i don't know if Tsubaki-san can make that hairy looks erotic
Ayy there's no guro
Guro only on omake
Well at least it's not a generic bland art
They had us in the first half, not gonna lie
I read "Hairy Lingerie" for a second there, dammit
Wow, how strong her shoulder can be?
Annoying sfx font
Seems like your average anime for me
-Ridiculous Action
-Nonsense plot

11/10 would re-read
Is this a racist doujin?
4/5 art is good, 5/5 if the male appearance is not like your default webtoon chara

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