Use an actual link for your source
exhentai. org/g/666334/6658557151/
One shot not manga
Why didn't you submit this properly?

English title: Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer
Japanese title: 惑星のさみだれ
Alt title: Hoshi no Samidare

myanimelist. net/manga/10552/Hoshi_no_Samidare
Name misspelled, no japanese name, & no capitalization
myanimelist. net/character/16483/Yuuhi_Amamiya
One shot not manga
Now you've created 2 of the same tag. Both of which don't have the last name capitalized
KingBW on
Japanese title: ファースト・セッション
Somehow found this from a cached page

webcache. googleusercontent. com/search?q=cache:OpMj79kyvPQJ:https://e-hentai. org/g/1124432/50596a7606/%3Freport%3Ddmca+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
KingBW on
Hopefully they come out at some point cuz it looks pretty good
Pretty sure its implied that its consensual unless it has a rape tag
Probably gonna have to wait til the duplicates are rejected & the others are approved since its hard to know which are being used where
>>19959 @ Kaizuki
Kirari The Legend of IDOL☆ / 哀ドル伝説きらり☆ - Starts with it & happens throughout
Illusion Girls - All the cosplay sex in the 1st story
[G34603] - pururin. us/read/34603/079/ojou-sama-to-maid-no-midara-na-seikatsu
Hajirai no Puffy Nipple / 含羞のパフィーニップル - pururin. us/read/34611/031/big-puffy-nipples-college-teen

These are the only ones that come to mind cuz I submitted them
KingBW on
One shot not manga
KingBW on
Looked this up & noticed that this was translated 2 years ago but nothing on the other 2 chapters since, which kinda sucks
KingBW on
For western
Manga not doujin
KingBW on
Already exists

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