The full manga is available on other sites. These are just the first two chapters.
An extension and re-write (though still with the same charactres) is Femboy School, though it isn't an easy read to stomach.
>>65831 @ Bkun
true, but the ending is a bit ambigious. Are the landlady and Saika dead or is this another house where she gathers new prey.
A dark ending indeed.
It's part hilarious (the stuffed toy's reasoning), but overall very sweet. The pace is fast (sometimes too fast, but that is due to the amount of pages available I suppose)but never over the top and overall it is a very loving setting with the typical Katou Jun drawing and style.
I can only recommend it.
lol... interesting re-write, especially when you compare it page to page to the original one.
Hard to read though, with the writing so small as it is more of a written story with added pictures compared to a normal manga.
Nevertheless, an interesting experience and one worth giving a try if only for fun of it, seeing how such a thing can be done.
An extension and re-write (though still with the same charactres) is Femboy School, though it isn't an easy read to stomach.
true, but the ending is a bit ambigious. Are the landlady and Saika dead or is this another house where she gathers new prey.
A dark ending indeed.
But yes, not bad
I can only recommend it.
Hard to read though, with the writing so small as it is more of a written story with added pictures compared to a normal manga.
Nevertheless, an interesting experience and one worth giving a try if only for fun of it, seeing how such a thing can be done.