I nutted to guro. I admitted that.
You came to this, basically a porn site, and expected not finding degenerate people like you everywhere?
Well damn me, looks like you are too young for the internet. Go back while you still can.
To be honest, the story itself has it's premises. Quite a read I had.
Not fapable, but interesting.
The gore is quite, clean, I must say. Alot of guro tag doujins/mangas is very bloody and messy and stuffs. But this one, is very eye-pleasing gore.
Not something I would thought of ever came out of my mouth.
Oh shit, you're right.
I nutted to guro. I admitted that.
You came to this, basically a porn site, and expected not finding degenerate people like you everywhere?
Well damn me, looks like you are too young for the internet. Go back while you still can.
I'm sure you supposed to treat it like a in-game story, kinda like a doujin of an NPC.
Not fapable, but interesting.
The gore is quite, clean, I must say. Alot of guro tag doujins/mangas is very bloody and messy and stuffs. But this one, is very eye-pleasing gore.
Not something I would thought of ever came out of my mouth.