7 comments (0 hidden)

ok that was funny....
Easy 5 out of 5! A good laugh, better story and great art!
Need more from this artist, this is glorious
strangely wholesome
If you have read the two sequels, she REALLY changes her whole personality. It kind of ruins this first volume which is stellar, but it feels so awkward when she goes from nervous to openly spreading herself in front of other men, in front of MC, no less. No shame if you're into that, it's just irritating to see how much of a paradigm shift it is, doubly so when she fucks said men without a second thought.
>>1252867 @ Anonymous88704
Well, the "last" part is actually just an alternative version of the 2nd part.
>>1252869 @ Marik
Yeah, but you know what I mean. You got your vanilla route and NTR route. My point being, both really go against her personality from this volume. Not that there's any issue, it's just my personal taste, that's all.

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