6 comments (0 hidden)

Another Shimakaze with a penis. I’m losing all will to live honestly...
>>1089845 @ LostSoul98
Just fucking blacklist the tags you hate and stop bothering people about it.
>>1089846 @ Glovelove
I would but there’s no tag for ‘Shimakaze with a penis’...
>>1090056 @ LostSoul98
Crossdressing / 服装倒錯, Yaoi / ヤオイ, Trap / 男の娘
Whining about it doesn't really improve anything, if anything it motivates me to translate more trap Shimakaze personally to compensate the people that wasted their time reading those comments.
>>1090057 @ Glovelove
Well whatever. Maybe I’ll just stop worrying about my heterosexuality so I can enjoy this stuff. I’ll see how that goes...

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