9 comments (0 hidden)

Was a bit annoyed to find out I had approved 2 on priority because it has taken such a hassle to get that massive file uploaded, without realizing we didn't even have ep1......but according to Fram ep1 could not be found after scouring exhentai and pixiv.
>>1078602 @ Glovelove
its okay. thankyou for uploading!
>>1078602 @ Glovelove
Youre a saint
>>1078621 @ Anonymous
You should thank Fram for getting it through, I've tried for him but failed, with files this large server will just shit itself if its multitasking enough site traffic so you sorta have to find a time where almost no one is using site and get lucky on the connection being stable.
Update: he managed to find it, unless I forget or Shirou decides to do that day I'll have it approved tomorrow.
5 stars for me afterall.
deam realy wana contiunes how they gona do
>>1078722 @ yume
theres a part havent you know it
Fuck this Cliffhanger. Need Part 3 ASAP!!1!1

PS. it was adorable and cute af

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