14 comments (0 hidden)

The holy trinity elf, orc, and no rape
Nice combo a lusty elf and a lusty orc with more morals than the elf.
I demand a part two!!
Dan the old man
A vanilla orc-elf hentai? I approve
This is surprisingly nice??
We need more vanilla stories between Elf girls and Orc boys. 💖
That and more non "repulsive" orc designs.
Why i feel like i already watched this.. it say that i didnt watch yet but i feeling deja vu dude... idk why too much hentai bruh
this one is good.
You could make a religion out of this.
>>1070367 @ 0h0kay
Just approved it.
you sure that he is an orc and aren't an ogre?
>>1070367 @ 0h0kay
>>1070367 @ 0h0kay
They just uploaded it today
Typical elf. Threatening suicide is abusive behaviour - don't let the elves force you into something you're not comfortable with, boys.
Orc-elf baby is pretty cute. I like seeing vanilla where you see their kids at the end.

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