12 comments (0 hidden)

Great. Love the art, and action. Goddess. round, and THICC, especially at the end. Happy Ending.
The mom is a sociopath 😳
What’s the NTR?
Blazing Rocket
This one had it all 9/10 and the ending was great, and the crazy mom was perfect
Damn it this is so good but I hate when there’s so many men, but I couldn’t stop reading damn it
Liked a lot about this. Great story, appreciated that even when third parties got involved it was all consensual, no blackmail or whatever. Art was absolutely flawless. Somewhat concerned at times about the main characters' sanity but both ended up happy together so I'll take the win.
It was okay I guess. The beginning and ending were pretty good. I wasn't that big of a fan of the gangbang scenes in the middle but that's just because I'm not a fan of NTR but like someone else already commented, at least it was all consensual. I'll give it a 3/5 art was great and story was unique, but some of the NTR and yandere scenes were a little to much for me.
I love the ending...Atleast the son take responsibility...
But I hate the gangbang scenes
>>1078684 @ Tetsuya
Well, she is a porn-actress so that made those gangbang scenes not THAT weird I think. But I do see your point. It's not everyone's cup of tea. Things could've gotten south so many times like the dude could've blackmailed them and force them to do something stupid, or the grandma could've brought in child care organizations or whatever and made things much worse (I dunno). But I'm the glad the mangaka didn't go that route and rather made things much simpler and light hearted. It's nice to see something like this amongst all the other bullshit NTR stuffs.
Ini klo diRl gimana ya.. emaknya tukang jual gravure

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