13 comments (0 hidden)

Well thats disgusting..
NSFW Connoisseur
Heartbreaking, and socially revolting... decent art, however, the content is the heart of it, and it is difficult to enjoy this when one’s only description of this would be categorized as “repulsive”.
6/10, for art alone.
How is this disgusting? A couple becoming corrupted with pleasure begin swinging
Bloody smile
>>70681 @ Porndex
You might not understand the refrence but ...https://********.***/
Well that's just sad
I don’t know what to think of this hentai. It has good artwork don’t get me wrong but, I don’t like the concept of this.
Shut up those who condemns this piece
The fact that you're here already shows the we all are trash
Let the mangaka draws what he wants jeez
At least this one didn't get a bad ending cuz neither part were really sad
The husband not once thought about his wife bet those two planned it woman wanted her husband the guy wanted his wife that how I'm seeing it. Why get married if your just gonna cheat and do stuff like that. But this is HENTAI it has ZERO LOGIC
Bloody smile
>>70719 @ Realist
I'm not disagrreing about the trash bit, not at all. There's just a difference between recycables and non-recycables. Then there's ... *sigs* you
Y'all are quick to call out cheating but turn a blind eye to Loli rape
Bloody smile
>>70741 @ Anonymous
.. you sound .. surprised?
Everyone gangsta until ntr happens to u.
Those who don't like this should truly shut up

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