14 comments (0 hidden)

It’s hot if you don’t read and just watch the action
Man, that dude just faced off that punch like nothing!
Like bro. If this could happen the world got would be so weird
the world is already weird enough without this kind if https://********.***/.
especially you alabama
Bloody smile
The brother's skin is so thicc he received no damage from the punch
>>61428 @ Major

On another note, what the hell was that punch for? Why is it so common for girls to punch guys in anime and manga? (For seemingly no reason).
Bloody smile
>>61523 @ Anonymous3033
For comedic relief? It's a damn tradition at this point
She was embarrassed
if she is my sister
i would do the same
Well then
Don't know why you have your bro's dick now? Google it
Your Nickname
wish guys hit the girls in manga and anime
>>61576 @ perv wtf, this is just manga, man. no, you can't

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