40 comments (0 hidden)

Kinda gay (at the beginning). but the story is 10/10 and the ending is perfect. Definitely recommend
F*cking hell, this was not what I expected when going into this, but I'm so happy I read it all the way through. The ending is absolutely wonderful, and even though it's nearly 600 pages, it's all single images, so it's rather fast to get through comparatively.
Yes. Delay the climax by solving math.
Wholesome story.
i just can't. Good story tho i guess. I don't like gender swapping. Kinda gay but wholesome.
Not gay dude
The ending make me crying
What the heck that was so cute !!!

The slow burn feelings were top notch I loved this
Best gender bender story of my life , I say as a gb fan.
Best bromance
Came for the genderbend porn, stayed for the story
581 pages of bromance turned into straight vanilla romance. It doesn't get better than that!
Why are all the ones i like end up with wholesome ass storys? This shit is too cute, jeez.
Touched my heart and my penis I don't know what more I could ask for.
>>49580 @ Glassed

Agreed. I went in expecting the usual GB tropes (e.g., protagonists are roommates, rare disease with rapid progression, boobs are fun, only girl at an all-boys school), and I was not disappointed, but the transition from "bromance to straight vanilla romance" felt not only natural but reasonable.
>>49637 @ KiyeliPanda this is exactly like boku girl, qnd i love it
there is just one thing to say"Nice"
>>49693 @ Venomymous
This one here is older, btw.
Fucking wholesome and I loved this ahit
Bromance, into romance. This story was soo fucking good. But idk if i were to turn into a girl i don't think i'd fuck my bro.
couldn't stop reading once I started. This is a really cool story , loved every second of it.
Well that killed my boner, story was great to read
G O L D !
Damn I came here to fap but the plot was so unexpectedly good
It was damn good that I forgot to fap.anyway got any recommendation? Want the same storyline or whatnot
Kekasih bayangan
This comic kind a gay, but his ending im very like it.
This story gave my heart a boner... a heart-on if you will
I was expecting kyou to revert bak into a dud while they was fuckin, but overall the story was good
Like everyone else ill agree that this was a bit gay but wow... what a great story... like wow... pacing and story telling and even the feelings of being a girl were captured greatly.

10/10 easily. this felt so good to read.
Wtf man, that was really great!
This shit was more beautiful than a motherfuck.
cute. honestly i wouldn't mind seeing this but no gender bend
>>49764 @ Seph
yup i click this manga for my fapping material but when i read it halfway i was to absorbed by the story till my d*ck got limp again , i dont know what must i feel , is it bad because i not have the urge to continue fapping or i must happy because i found this hidden MASTERPIECE story
I came her because I was horny, but I got so involved in the story that I forgot my horniness. Truly a lovely story
God what the hell, I didn't think I would have enjoyed this during the first couple of pages, but shit, this was too good.

+10 for the wholesomeness of the entire story. 20/10
I cant believe i read this well in the gang now
Wow i got theough all page 581 idk how i did but ._. I guess i stayed for the plot. Good read in my books, im in the clan bois
omg, didn't expect it to turn out this cute and wholesome! I loved how they both acted and that there was actual character development and not just brainless sex. Really loveing! >o>
I kinda feel like this might be a viewpoint of a tomboy reaching puberty and realizing femininity

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