16 comments (0 hidden)

Art, and action is good, girl is hot too. Lesson of the story: Don't fall in love with sluts. Ironically some hentai has the opposite.
"Don't stick your dick in crazy... and sluts"
Art and action are perfect in this one. But they had to fuck it up with NTR and not just that, the worst kind of NTR
>>47204 @ Major
I just fucking hate that slut so much
This doujinsucks
Got to page 17, enjoyed everything prior, but once they opened the door and introduced fat bastard father, I knew what was up and then checked the tag and noped out. Not reading the rest
I completely agree, I nutted and then proceeded to cry myself to sleep.
Sluts are one night stands only
This bitch
If you're gonna cheat, give me your fiancè. I can take care of him better 🙄
>>47228 @ This doujinsucks
From the title only, u should already know the story, it means "the other face of my girl friend". Thats clear enough
good stuff
I know it is wrong but I just fckin love this ntr so much that I don't care that sluts being cum dumpster to her father in law lmao
This is fucked. he’s gonna live with them, I feel bad for the guy.
I'm just glad that I ain't that close to my father. That I would have casaul or social with him 😂

Besides he'll be the first to turn in the night
What kinda hateful fucked up trash is this. The artist is an obvious tiny dicked gutter cock loser... outside of self insert as the poor guy getting fucked over by his own god damn dad this shit to anyone else is just hate and animosity put in a comic form.
Nothing worst than a whore who pins another dudes kid on their current shafted lover.

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