16 comments (0 hidden)

Love it. Lucky man. Must be paradise.
The artwork would have been nice had the artist drawn some of the girls with realistic boobs instead of disgusting knee knockers. I mean, I like big boobs like any other guy, but some of these "artists" renditions are just sickening... I can't even get a hard on. Well, another fap ruined.
No one gonna ask on how they got money to buy stuff from amazon?
>>37175 @ Nibba
No, we're no need to know that
Not messy, I think?
Wait I just remember there's one similar (Which also the treasure left by elder too)
>>37179 @ Razor
Me too. But I forget the title. In the end of story, they all pregnant.
Why do they always have to draw them so fat and ugly unrealistic tits?
As long as they are THICC, no problem
Bloody smile
I cursed time for he barely touches you as he passes but embraces me like a brother. I look up at your unchanging face as I feel my hold on life loosening. Tough with all my regrets falling for you all was not one of them. By K.S.Bloody smile
the plot is good. but too large breast doesnt suit my taste
They'll eventually choke him to death with those balloons, what a pity death god gave him
Most lucky man
just wow
I wanna be the character.
This was interesting

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