16 comments (0 hidden)

One shot not manga
aw man that had sucks bro everybody been there being in friendzone
Here's the story of that after story, eh?
Here ya go, the after story
But tell ya, just found out url will be stripped off, so sry
That was fookin good I hope there’s a part 2
Damn, as a friend "for now" eh?
>>26785 @ J-Jones
Well, at least he got to smash. That's better than most guys can say. But, I imagine not being able to become her boyfriend still hurts... a lot.

Even if the "for now" gives some semblance of hope that this will change in the future, it's still quite a blow.
Wise Young Man
That ending,ouch man.
Looking forward for second part(?)
poor guy. good doujin tho. hoping for vol.2
Bloody smile
If karakai jouzu something something-san thought me anything, she's just teasing and its pretty much a done deal right there.
Too short -3-
>>26794 @ Razor I'M SCREAMING. I want the after story man
O have a soft spot for tomboy happy-sex man Jesus christ I love it. XD
Very nice doujin good stuff.
>>26970 @ Bloody smile
That seems likely. But, if that is the case... why is the teasing necessary?
>>26785 @ J-Jones
I don't think you know what the friend-zone is exactly. They fucked.

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