9 comments (0 hidden)

Japanese title: Cinderella Another
doujinshi. org/book/1027019/Cinderella-Another/
If the Japanese title is English then you add it once, in the English text field, adding the same title twice is redundant. The Japanese text field is only for Japanese characters, like katakana.
>>18122 @ Philemanmania
It doesn't matter if the english & japanese titles are the same, both fields need to be field out accordingly. The only time either of those fields are left blank is if you don't know that title. I don't know if you used to help mod on the original site, but if you did you would know that.
>>18138 @ KingBW
The future is now old man
Love it. Beautiful.
Bloody smile
There should be rape tag.
Corruption too.
>>18174 @ Kaizuki
Isn't that what lazy hippies used to say in tv shows
On another note, Puru said the one shot category is supposed to be taken out and I asked why since its good for differentiating from tanks. Puru said someone said it was useless and to ask you. So why?

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