27 comments (0 hidden)

tfr is fids
Is that his weenie lmao
Aww loved it
Really good. Was an emotional story, but very sexy at the same time! Good job!
Wow. Very nice story.
awesome,please write another. or sequil?
Well wtf lmao
Wonderful story. Full marks. I just hate the fact that most of these are a woman with a dog or horse. What about doing something with a guy and something other than a centaur?
>>45036 @ Phartsalot
Why? Are you dumb and gay? Women are sexy and it's better that way.
>>49421 @ Anonymous
Reply. No, I'm not dumb, nor gay. Are you? Most porn contains a man - you read it too- does that make you gay?
I just get tired of seeing the same things over and over. I'd like to see something different. I prefer women too, especially lolis and cougars, but I also like to see other things as well. My mind is a super highway and complex instead of a country road and simple. I have a huge imagination, and it likes to be fed.
Don't ask stupid questions. It is better to look the fool than to open your mouth and confirm it...
>>49473 @ Phartsalot
you go broski you be you
A perfect charming story
>>49421 @ Anonymous There's nothing wrong with being gay homie
“his genitals were thicker and longer than anyone elses. He was bigger than the vibrator i used for masturbation”

.... get that bitch a bad dragon dildo. bitches love bad dragon dildos.
What I was actually trying to say, but worded wrong, was - you see women with real animals like dogs & horses, and only ever see males with beastkins or demihumans like centaurs. I did see a male with a pig once, but that was - bleh, and I have seen some with a guy getting his poopshute pounded by a dog or horse and blowing them. Apparently there is no one talented enough to make a good bestiality with a male and an actual female animal, except for that pig.

Edit: There was one I saw back in July I saw that did have a female dog (she was actually a goddess in disguise, but he did her in her dog form) and a boy. I can't remember the name, but it was on this site, at least it was before the crash a few months later that wiped out my bookmarks and favorites list.
yes loved it 👍😐
Wow....such a turn on....am I the only 1 that has made there dig cum?
>>1075212 @ Anonymous
bruh... i'd say go outside, but frankly i dont wanna take the chance
It"s so good for me. can u write other like this?
What in gods name

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