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in colour
I just love this one I'm so glad its here on the new pururin
Also does deserve the Tag: Possession or Time Stop
Bloody brilliant
Damn this was some good shit
isnt this necro?
Mate, you take necrophillia way too far (way way too far away past the horizon)
this was lowkey scary tho
Dark KVG
Sexy af
Dark KVG
Sexy af
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Deserves an animated adaptation, even just 1ep :')
not sure what part of this is Comedy. It doesn't even seem like she has the option to die. Plus, cold cum, damn that would feel gross.
kind of freaky...haunted by faceless rapey ghosts
>>3722 @ Anonymous
No, it is not.
>>3309 @ JETJK3
What? How can someone like something bad? You must have a very twisted mind.
>>32385 @ PyroSamurai
Sadly, the artist gave that story to the ghosts to keep the girl alive and just keep raping them all the day and night, every day and night. This results to a parasitic life for both the girl and the ghosts. How? The girl is not able to think anymore. She has lost her personal life and in general she has lost her life forever. She is so weak from all this enjoyment/pleasure from the sex that she can't even move by her own will. Physically and mentaly, she is gone. This traumatises me to be honest. From the other side for the ghosts, they are just humanoid, brainless, and very twisted monsters who only know to rape females from the first time that they will see them, until the day that they will die.

My only wish is for the girl to just die, no matter with which way, or maybe it matters a bit? If the story could continue, because if she dies, then she will be free forever, from everyone and everything. Then again, if she escapes permanently or temporary from these ghosts, possibly another set of evil creatures will destroy her, or maybe the same group will try to find her, and if they succeed, then it is game over for her, forever. It is pitty and painful to see her suffering like this. Same applies to all the female characters. I would like to contact with the artist, but unfortunately I can't find him anywhere.

Stories like this one are very common nowdays. People have inspiration to draw, but they lack the inspiration to create a meaningful story. In general these types of hentais are medium to bad, and this only because of their stories. What's the point of reading a hentai comic or animation without a meaningful story behind it? Absolutely none.

-Technically, the ghosts have no material, they are (materialless?) intangible, which means that nothing can harm them and they can fly and go through walls and stuff without any problem. With that being said, how is it possible for a ghost to acquire material and be able to touch, feel, grab, hold, and rape a human? And especially a female if the ghosts are males.
-Theoretically, all the hentais do not make sense. They belong to the category of beyond realism. Anything can happen, and in this case, all the worst and undesirable things. So this is normal on hentais, nothing to complain about. In a nutshell the hentai is a mastered version of the real porn, in the worst way possible. It's the human's fantasy. The only thing that makes a big part of the hentai bad, is the artists with their lack of creating meaningful stories. They are always incomplete. Something to complain about and also give the blame on. But this sample right here breaks every single limit of logic.
It's always funny when people take hentai so seriously xD
omgggghh I want to get fucked like this

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