Edit for: Musuko no Doukyuusei ni Nerawareta Hahaoya / 息子の同級生に狙われた母親 [G43668]

Current Suggested
English Musuko no Doukyuusei ni Nerawareta Hahaoya Musuko no Doukyuusei ni Nerawareta Hahaoya
Japanese 息子の同級生に狙われた母親 息子の同級生に狙われた母親
Alternative -
Description Two Parts - one without hairy armpits while other has hairy armpits. Two Parts - one without hairy armpits while other has hairy armpits.
Content tags
Contribution Information
Submitted by: Marcus_Black
Submitted on: Jan 11, 2024 at 08:45:22
Last updated: Nov 05, 2024 at 22:40:49
Status: Approved
Note: This doesn't contain any NTR elements to have the Netorare tag. Blackmail, coercion, and rape fit but not netorare.
Gallery: Musuko no Doukyuusei ni Nerawareta Hahaoya / 息子の同級生に狙われた母親

Should this contribution be approved?

4 comments (0 hidden)

Not going to make judgement calls on this tag without reading the content, and given this is ~40 pages with no green tags by an artist I'm not interested in I'm not going to find time for that anytime soon.

If someone with tagging experience can confirm she's single or that her relationship is completely irrelevant for the plot (boyfriend doesn't have to be involved but should at least be mentioned for readers to feel sorry for him) I'll trust their judgement

While people are checking that I also find it a bit dodgy for a gallery to be tagged with Group Sex+MMF Threesome (on ex group sex applies to threesomes, on our end group sex requires 4+ so they're competing for screentime instead of overlapping) and Rape+Reverse Harem(Harem requires a 4+ people and consent, though if there's enough pages of her being reaped by 3+ guys Gang Rape / 輪姦 can apply instead of Harem)
Glovelove has changed the status of this contribution into Needs Work
>>1254744 @ Glovelove
Yes, he's right.
She's giving up her body to protect her son. But it's not really "stolen" in any way.
And the relationship with her son only serves to tell a blackmail story.
Glovelove has changed the status of this contribution into Approved

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