Edit for: Futaritomo, Hajimete. / ふたりとも、はじめて。 [G58666]

Current Suggested
English Futaritomo, Hajimete. Futaritomo, Hajimete.
Japanese ふたりとも、はじめて。 ふたりとも、はじめて。
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Contribution Information
Submitted by: Kurisu
Submitted on: Nov 18, 2021 at 23:22:44
Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 at 02:22:47
Status: Rejected
Note: -
Gallery: Futaritomo, Hajimete. / ふたりとも、はじめて。

Should this contribution be approved?

3 comments (0 hidden)

Read tag descriptions before applying them. Yuri is exempt from the softcore tag because a lack of regular "insert penis into orifice" sex is already implied if a strapon tag isn't present, and yuri would completely drown out everything else in the Softcore tag if it was included.
>>1092855 @ Glovelove
Ah yes, I just used the broad comb for this and used the wrong tag. Not familiar with all of them on doujinshi sites. I meant since there's no show of any genitals. Perhaps the non-h tag would've been a better option here.
>>1254517 @ Kurisu
Well should note that now that Softcore has been broadened to "No Penetration" it is probably fine to use it here (wouldn't consider Yuri to be a desired search result for the aforementioned reasons but meh we don't have the manpower to account for that sort of stuff, getting taggers at all is a big ask) but the sexual activity here is at a point where there's just barely enough near the end to invalidate non-h but not enough for the Yuri tag to apply.

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