Not really, we do sometimes switch those but what happened is that Sigmarc started wiping the tags from literally everything he had on pending after he got into an argument, in response to that we banned Sigmarc and rolled back the database 24h because as much as we were fed up with the guy, we really don't get enough uploads to take that hit (current rate of 20/day approved is not sustainable, at this rate we'll have to build down to 15/day by 2021 and then further down till 5-10/day to keep up with uploads, its intimidating for people to get used to all the little details of dealing with upload systems issues and avoiding invalid content/source so majority of uploads atm rely on how much interesting stuff I can find to upload per day).
This ment having some buffer on pending list to keep us going long enough to *maybe* find new uploaders willing to learn the ropes and fill the gap in uploaders as well as balance out a lack of content due to Covid-19 shutting down doujin distribution (a lot of doujins get created, seriously a fucking lot, having seen the statistics for circles involved with conventions I'd say the stuff that actually gets translated and uploaded would be a mere fraction of it, but without conventions being held at all, even less of it makes it over to the west) but it also had the side effect of resetting his approved galleries from that day and previous day back to pending. Cache has refused to move on from that, clinging to the memory of whatever galleries it had saved (despite being programmed to reset daily, 3am in my West European timezone, to properly reflect daily popularity, which it still does but not for the dead links) and being near the daily cache reset on a busy day, popularity statistics for those galleries were remembered at their peak. When those galleries were later re-approved they were assigned new ids just like all approvals are, meaning they didn't match up to the old links, we've currently managed to exorcise 2 of the galleries lingering memories haunting the trending section by sheer luck/coincidence but we have no idea how so we can't reproduce it for the other 6,