Name of Doujin

I'm trying to find the name of his Hentai Doujinshi, and well i've tried google image upload, and nothing's really coming up. I have the pic but it's in Japanese and i don't know the artist's name so i can look for it.


The authors name is Hirohisa Onikubo, this particular title is called either Compromise (google translated) or Trade-off?
https://********.***/ just some bits and pieces in japanese, not sure if translated version exists, will look into it.

Thank you for the reply, and sorry it took so long to get back to you.

You gave me the artist's name, and that's all i really needed, as for it being in English, or any other language, that's a plus... I just don't know Japanese that well, so i wasn't really sure who to look for, artist wise, but you gave me an artist and i appreciate that.

So again thank you for the help Leno

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