Announcement November 28, 2019

Before that, i'd like to say sorry. Your lost gallery collections (fav, bookmark) cannot be recover anymore, the 2 disks that we had on the server got suddenly crushed and now it's unreadable. :(
Thank you for posting an explanation. It's really frustrating and sad....
Long live to Pururin!!!
Best regards from Chile.
Thank you for at least trying, Puru! That's more effort than many online services will devote.
>>1159 @ Anonymous

Thank you or trying at least.

I'm just happy the site is back up
You could try to go to a specialized center of data recovery but that's kinda awkward regardless. I appreciate your passion of maintaining this place up.
thanks for the explanations
Thanks a lot for your hard work. It's hard to loose some things, but we still have a lot much more. The site is still up and running.
well that's a bummer, but thanks for your hard work to keep this site up

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