Hoy, everyone. This thread is supposed to help you with uploading galleries by listing some basic rules and tips. Please read them as well as the Tagging Guide that is pinned in our forums if you plan to upload anything or already do so. First up the upload rules:
1. Pururin only allows content of Asian origin translated into English or galleries of such origin that are basically textless (for example Artbooks). Do not upload Western content.
2. Please do not upload duplicates. The system checks your upload for being one before you submit, but it's better to make sure beforehand by doing a quick search on the web site if your gallery already exists.
3. The maximum file size for uploads is a 700 MB zip file. This should be big enough for the majority of galleries without having to resize them, unless it is a big CG set like this one: https://exhentai.org/g/836826/2f0a203299
4. In such cases, it is okay to resize pages to bypass the size limit, but try to keep them in the original quality otherwise. For resizing, you can use programs like Fast Stone Resizer to quickly resize several dozens or hundred images at once.
5. Do not forget to state a source link for your uploads. It helps moderators to control whether everything with your upload is okay, such as the correct number of pages, size, tags, etc. Should the original gallery not be available anymore (for example because it is Wani content and was deleted from sadpanda) and you can't find it anywhere else, then please indicate this in the source link and / or note field. Uploads where the source link provides does not match the file uploaded the file (with a small margin for inconsistent filesizes) will normally be rejected. If there is a valid reason to deviate (linking the untranslated version if you translated it yourself, removing textless or untranslated pages that are really bloating the filesize, stripping away extra scanlator pages beyond the first, ect.) please mention it in the notes.
Examples for acceptable source links:
* exhentai.org
* g.e-hentai.org
* Doujinshi.org
* sukebei.nyaa.si
Please do NOT use these sites as sources since they resize most of their galleries:
* nhentai.net
* hbrowse.com
* Tsumino.com
* hentai.ms
* Luscious.net
* hentaifox.com
* hentai2read
7. Concerning the tags on your upload: Copy at least all the tags from the source link on your upload along with any other tags that are prominently featured in the gallery, but not tagged on the source (for example exhentai doesn't have a tag for Happy Sex).
You don't need to (and shouldn't) set circle tags for commercial Manga or parody and character tags for original content. If you leave those fields empty, they are automatically tagged by the system with "Original“ / "Unknown“
7. Should anything with your upload be wrong, I or another moderator will write a comment on it specifying the reason and what you should do to fix it with a reupload.
8. Concerning ongoing series: Please don't upload unfinished tankoubons or story arcs, unless they were abandoned for more than 6 months. Pururin's upload system doesn't allow updating old galleries, so there would be duplicate galleries once the story is updated and uploaded again. There are already enough duplicates on here. Wait for a series to finish before you upload it, unless it's very clear that it won't be continued anymore.
9. Don't use credit pages as covers. Either have the first page be an actual cover if available or the first page of content. Credit pages of scanlators belong at the end of a gallery.
10. Categories of accepted content:
* Artist CG sets
* Game CG sets (though they will likely be too big to upload)
* Commercial H-Manga
* Doujinshi (no matter if Parody or Original or Hentai or Non-H)
* Artbooks such as this one: https://exhentai.org/g/971266/36cb628e03
Please do not upload content that was licensed / officially translated into English (such as content from Fakku, for example).
Now for some uploading tips:
1. One of the first questions you might have in mind is how to get past the sadpanda on exhentai. You DON'T need any plugins for that. If you are currently using one, stop doing that. It's completely unnecessary and doesn't do anything.
You simply follow these steps:
* Make an account on http://g.e-hentai.org (you can register on its forums too).
* Wait some time, roughly one to two weeks.
* Relogin into your account on g.e-hentai and then switch to exhentai by typing https://exhentai.org in the address bar.
* If that didn't work, delete your cookies, go back to g.e-hentai, log in and then switch to exhentai.
* Should you still be unable to access exhentai, try it again in a few days. Eventually, you should be able to access the "sekrit club“.
* Even if you can't access exhentai, almost everything is on the regular g.e-hentai as well (you just need to switch out the "ex“ and "g.e-“ in the address bar), save for Loli, Shota and Bestiality. So if you don't want to upload anything with one of these tags, you don't even need to get past the sadpanda.
2. The easiest way to download galleries from exhentai / g.e-hentai is getting this tool: eze downloader. Link: https://dnsev-h.github.io/eze
Using it doesn't cost you any credits or GP, which is the virtual currency of exhentai. It only uses up your image limit, which is normally 5000 and regnerates at a rate of 3 images per minute. So you shouldn't have any problems with reaching it unless you mass download dozens of galleries.
If the tool doesn't work, try to empty your cache and download it again. After the upload completed to 100% you have to "click to download the file“ again.
3. Unfortunately, only .zip files work for uploading, not .rars. If you have a folder with the images on your PC, you need to mark all of them first, then right click and choose "Send to > Zip-compressed folder“. This creates a Zip file with all of the images in it.
If you use Winrar to turn a complete folder into a .rar file or right click on the folder the images are in and turn it into a .zip file, your upload will be broken. Faulty uploads due to this error look like this:

If you have a pending upload looking like this, you will need to reupload it.
4. If you have problems with the Japanese names for galleries or artists, parodies, etc. for new tags, sadpanda has a unified naming scheme that helps you find that out even if you can't read moon runes:

The naming order for Doujinshi always goes like this: (Convention) [Circle name (Artist name)] Doujin title (Parody) [Language] [Scanlation Group]
Some of the brackets might have slightly different form and Manga galleries have magazine or tankoubon names after the title instead of a convention and no circle names, but they are mostly the same scheme for all galleries. You can easily compare that to the Japanese name directly underneath and thus see what the Japanese characters of the title, artist, parody etc. are.
If you upload a gallery from e(x)hentai and copy the source link into the appropriate field most of the source tags are already auto copied for you. Just take care that we don't have some tags on the site like censorship tags and others have slightly different names:
* Shotacon tag is only used if it's Yaoi or Futa related, for Shotas paired with regular females use Straight Shota instead
* We use the Pettanko tag, not Small Breasts
* We use Futa on x tags instead of Dickgirl on x
* It's Trap, not Tomgirl
* We use Cosplay instead of Cosplaying
* We use Frotting instead of Frottage
* We Use Egg Laying instead of Eggs
* DILF is only used for older men that look at least somewhat hot, in a lot of cases Ugly Bastard is more appropriate.
* Avoid tagging characters with Hairy if they only have a trimmed/modest bush instead of being really hairy down there.
* Group Sex should not be used for threesomes
For more details regarding tagging, see the Tagging guide on the forums.
If you still have any questions, post in this thread or send a private message to me or Puru.
P.S.: You are faggots.
1. Pururin only allows content of Asian origin translated into English or galleries of such origin that are basically textless (for example Artbooks). Do not upload Western content.
2. Please do not upload duplicates. The system checks your upload for being one before you submit, but it's better to make sure beforehand by doing a quick search on the web site if your gallery already exists.
3. The maximum file size for uploads is a 700 MB zip file. This should be big enough for the majority of galleries without having to resize them, unless it is a big CG set like this one: https://exhentai.org/g/836826/2f0a203299
4. In such cases, it is okay to resize pages to bypass the size limit, but try to keep them in the original quality otherwise. For resizing, you can use programs like Fast Stone Resizer to quickly resize several dozens or hundred images at once.
5. Do not forget to state a source link for your uploads. It helps moderators to control whether everything with your upload is okay, such as the correct number of pages, size, tags, etc. Should the original gallery not be available anymore (for example because it is Wani content and was deleted from sadpanda) and you can't find it anywhere else, then please indicate this in the source link and / or note field. Uploads where the source link provides does not match the file uploaded the file (with a small margin for inconsistent filesizes) will normally be rejected. If there is a valid reason to deviate (linking the untranslated version if you translated it yourself, removing textless or untranslated pages that are really bloating the filesize, stripping away extra scanlator pages beyond the first, ect.) please mention it in the notes.
Examples for acceptable source links:
* exhentai.org
* g.e-hentai.org
* Doujinshi.org
* sukebei.nyaa.si
Please do NOT use these sites as sources since they resize most of their galleries:
* nhentai.net
* hbrowse.com
* Tsumino.com
* hentai.ms
* Luscious.net
* hentaifox.com
* hentai2read
7. Concerning the tags on your upload: Copy at least all the tags from the source link on your upload along with any other tags that are prominently featured in the gallery, but not tagged on the source (for example exhentai doesn't have a tag for Happy Sex).
You don't need to (and shouldn't) set circle tags for commercial Manga or parody and character tags for original content. If you leave those fields empty, they are automatically tagged by the system with "Original“ / "Unknown“
7. Should anything with your upload be wrong, I or another moderator will write a comment on it specifying the reason and what you should do to fix it with a reupload.
8. Concerning ongoing series: Please don't upload unfinished tankoubons or story arcs, unless they were abandoned for more than 6 months. Pururin's upload system doesn't allow updating old galleries, so there would be duplicate galleries once the story is updated and uploaded again. There are already enough duplicates on here. Wait for a series to finish before you upload it, unless it's very clear that it won't be continued anymore.
9. Don't use credit pages as covers. Either have the first page be an actual cover if available or the first page of content. Credit pages of scanlators belong at the end of a gallery.
10. Categories of accepted content:
* Artist CG sets
* Game CG sets (though they will likely be too big to upload)
* Commercial H-Manga
* Doujinshi (no matter if Parody or Original or Hentai or Non-H)
* Artbooks such as this one: https://exhentai.org/g/971266/36cb628e03
Please do not upload content that was licensed / officially translated into English (such as content from Fakku, for example).
Now for some uploading tips:
1. One of the first questions you might have in mind is how to get past the sadpanda on exhentai. You DON'T need any plugins for that. If you are currently using one, stop doing that. It's completely unnecessary and doesn't do anything.
You simply follow these steps:
* Make an account on http://g.e-hentai.org (you can register on its forums too).
* Wait some time, roughly one to two weeks.
* Relogin into your account on g.e-hentai and then switch to exhentai by typing https://exhentai.org in the address bar.
* If that didn't work, delete your cookies, go back to g.e-hentai, log in and then switch to exhentai.
* Should you still be unable to access exhentai, try it again in a few days. Eventually, you should be able to access the "sekrit club“.
* Even if you can't access exhentai, almost everything is on the regular g.e-hentai as well (you just need to switch out the "ex“ and "g.e-“ in the address bar), save for Loli, Shota and Bestiality. So if you don't want to upload anything with one of these tags, you don't even need to get past the sadpanda.
2. The easiest way to download galleries from exhentai / g.e-hentai is getting this tool: eze downloader. Link: https://dnsev-h.github.io/eze
Using it doesn't cost you any credits or GP, which is the virtual currency of exhentai. It only uses up your image limit, which is normally 5000 and regnerates at a rate of 3 images per minute. So you shouldn't have any problems with reaching it unless you mass download dozens of galleries.
If the tool doesn't work, try to empty your cache and download it again. After the upload completed to 100% you have to "click to download the file“ again.
3. Unfortunately, only .zip files work for uploading, not .rars. If you have a folder with the images on your PC, you need to mark all of them first, then right click and choose "Send to > Zip-compressed folder“. This creates a Zip file with all of the images in it.
If you use Winrar to turn a complete folder into a .rar file or right click on the folder the images are in and turn it into a .zip file, your upload will be broken. Faulty uploads due to this error look like this:

If you have a pending upload looking like this, you will need to reupload it.
4. If you have problems with the Japanese names for galleries or artists, parodies, etc. for new tags, sadpanda has a unified naming scheme that helps you find that out even if you can't read moon runes:

The naming order for Doujinshi always goes like this: (Convention) [Circle name (Artist name)] Doujin title (Parody) [Language] [Scanlation Group]
Some of the brackets might have slightly different form and Manga galleries have magazine or tankoubon names after the title instead of a convention and no circle names, but they are mostly the same scheme for all galleries. You can easily compare that to the Japanese name directly underneath and thus see what the Japanese characters of the title, artist, parody etc. are.
If you upload a gallery from e(x)hentai and copy the source link into the appropriate field most of the source tags are already auto copied for you. Just take care that we don't have some tags on the site like censorship tags and others have slightly different names:
* Shotacon tag is only used if it's Yaoi or Futa related, for Shotas paired with regular females use Straight Shota instead
* We use the Pettanko tag, not Small Breasts
* We use Futa on x tags instead of Dickgirl on x
* It's Trap, not Tomgirl
* We use Cosplay instead of Cosplaying
* We use Frotting instead of Frottage
* We Use Egg Laying instead of Eggs
* DILF is only used for older men that look at least somewhat hot, in a lot of cases Ugly Bastard is more appropriate.
* Avoid tagging characters with Hairy if they only have a trimmed/modest bush instead of being really hairy down there.
* Group Sex should not be used for threesomes
For more details regarding tagging, see the Tagging guide on the forums.
If you still have any questions, post in this thread or send a private message to me or Puru.
P.S.: You are faggots.