Help to find Hentai

Story -World where those who pay high tax can give almost any orders to those who don't pay it, and some old poor dude find id of one of those high tax payers and start to use it to fuck all girls around
story- boy hides with girl during hide and go https://********.***/ teases him till he cums. she is older then him,she does this for a while then she moves to middle school she gets a boyfriend. he likes her still she meets up with him and asks if he wants to have sex he says yes they have sex its his first time. she leaves after he is sad and fucks another girl and dates her. end of story. i need to fine this to show to my wife she limes stuff like that.
For OP, I think it's *"I Won 1 Billion Yen, So I Bought An Impregnation Citizenship"*
this high school girl who is into Exhibitionism and her females classmate supports her so she flashes in front of her class (both boys and girl). She has a rule if one of the guys want to do it with her, it has to be in front of everyone. At the end of the manga one guy agree to it and somehow it become a group sex all the females and males in the class have sex with each other.

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