Ban <super>sus

Can [this person]( be banned? They comment on damn near every single page and it's always 'Nice' with some links to shitty camsites.
their achievements are also all from dec. 16-17.
the 3 most important of which are:
* 500 comments created at 06:08 on Dec. 16
* 5000 comments created at 11:31 on Dec. 16
* 10000 comments created at 10:02 on Dec. 17

So, it is genuinely spam. 100% a bot.
If it had been an actual person it would've taken them at least 34 days to read and comment on that many pages. Assuming that the combined read and comment time is 5 minutes. Additionally this only accounts for 10,0000 comments due to the fact that there are no further achievements available, meaning that the comment count could be well over.
In case you didn't notice, Puru, our admin, had been missing for months.

We cannot ban anyone, only Puru can do that.

We cannot clean up those comments (they're actually advertising btw, some guy figured out how to circumvent the captcha and noticed that the filter normally blocking links leaves images alone, their malware-invested camgirl site isn't an image though so it is displayed as a broken image) because it would take me days to do it one by one manually I got better things to be doing. Only Puru can mass delete comments.

We cannot upload new content because the upload system is broken again and only Puru can fix it. The best I could do about it is slow down the rate at which new stuff is approved to ration out what we have left.
>>3046 @ Anonymous1952

with puru gone and by some coments on the Discord, are asking for mods... hope people volunteer to mod the page, and if is needed, some new admin...
>>3046 @ Anonymous1952
heres hoping puru comes back soon..

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