sauce of any of these 6 images please? thanks

they are all doujins, I think? It's black and white so I just assumed that they are. well everything is possible so they can be standalone art as well
I did run all of them through saucenao tho, only two of them matches

[1st the most useful result from yandex is https://********.***/ but then again the people commenting didnt know where it comes from either](https://********.***/)

[2nd (tineye, yandex no match| google showed only one result which is a facebook post but the picture doesn't even match)](https://********.***/)

[3rd (tineye did show some results this time. just not useful|yandex just bunch of websites with profile pictures matching the image|](https://********.***/)

[4th is her name hotaru shidare? i dont want the name tho you may leave the code of whatever that tells me where this image came from](https://********.***/)

[5th this is the one saucenao has results (useful ones) it says it's called ahegao collection v.1 but that doesn't tell me anything about this particular image](https://********.***/)

[6th tineye showing results that dont even have this pic, saucenao says it's from that ahegao collection again, yandex just twitter or other platform users having this profile pic](https://********.***/)
the 4th one is by the artist **Karei Hirame**

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