Then he was immediately found out, fired, and arrested.
The fact that he was raped didn't matter because men get no justice and he was turned into a pariah, and labelled a sex-offender for the rest of his life.
Then she had his baby which he not only never gets to see, but also has to pay child support for.
This would have been a lot lot better if the artist learned how to draw anatomy and used reference images. Their bodies, feet, and spines are just not human.
It was good otherwise, but that kinda ruins it for me.
She probably put that book there just to mess with him.
Half the time the twist is they were never hypnotized at all.
It's still great every time though.
Well that's not sexy, that's just sexual harassment and assault.
You should sue the shit out of him, and send him to prison.
Also, I would have uppercutted his nuts the second he pulled them out.
Honestly I wanted to see what was really going on with her, and what was her problem, but maybe she's just autistic.
I feel bad for him, and a little for her too.
Hot otherwise.
To be honest, I like the emotionless sex genre sometimes, but it would be heartbreaking if it was your girlfriend all the time.
These are the real questions that matter. Not that other trite tripe they flood the media with. Us intellectuals need something new and complicated to ponder over.
The story was extremely generic, but the artwork was really good, and it was nice and pleasant to read, as opposed to the vast majority of horrible crap people put out that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking though.
The fact that he was raped didn't matter because men get no justice and he was turned into a pariah, and labelled a sex-offender for the rest of his life.
Then she had his baby which he not only never gets to see, but also has to pay child support for.
Because that's what always happens.
Living the dream. I give it 10/10 for something that is mostly FFM vanilla, it's still pretty damn great.
I don't see any difference in the second half.
It was good otherwise, but that kinda ruins it for me.
Other than that, not too bad.
Half the time the twist is they were never hypnotized at all.
It's still great every time though.
Called "Ano Ko no Kawari ni Suki na Dake"
Women do that crap all the time.
He's just leaving a trail of flames and broken hearts behind him. What an absolute piece of trash.
100/10 if you like fellatio, bukkake, ahegao, succubi, and harems. Also there is a loli-baba-milf. What more could you ask for, really?
You should sue the shit out of him, and send him to prison.
Also, I would have uppercutted his nuts the second he pulled them out.
I feel bad for him, and a little for her too.
Hot otherwise.
To be honest, I like the emotionless sex genre sometimes, but it would be heartbreaking if it was your girlfriend all the time.
Flip the genders if you don't think so.
Nothing like brotherly love. Impregnating brotherly love. lol
She will definitely cheat on you in the future.
I'll take 1000x more of this please. Oh and 1000x less of everything else.
Can't wait for the other 2.
She's not a demon, she's a dragon.
And I think she's the best.
This whole series is 10/10.
Minister of Perversion approved.