>>1072355 @ Frumpy
Yes, they will be deleted. Also, the tag importer on uploading copies the majority of tags from the exhentai gallery anyway, you just need to add missing ones and edit those with faulty names (like Dickgirl on x into Futa on x).
Don't use generic names like "e-hentai" as your source, but the actual full link where you got it from. Also, this series is far better off being uploaded in one single upload instead of 15 seperate ones. See here: http s://e-hentai. org/g/1452925/90add1c8c2/
>>1070732 @ In confusion
It's the boy that "deleted" / killed all those women. He just decided to not do it with this sister since she has the new role of being basically his wife now.
>>1070014 @ Bad_Child
It's because Inseki (sex with family members not related by blood) has the regular Incest tag as a prerequisite. If you want strictly blood related incest, do an advanced search excluding Inseki while including Incest.
>>1069986 @ Lupus_Deus
No. Just no. It's the complete other way around. The game is miles better than the mediocre anime adaptation could hope to be. Do yourself a favor and actually play it before you make unfounded statements like that. The story is a much bigger focus in it than any of the sex scenes are. And the anime failed to explain most of the actual plot, just placing sex scene after sex scene, omitting most of the actually important parts. This is just an image gallery of those sex scenes. Seeing them on their own and then complaining that they're bad is like only watching a movie in thumbnails made every 30 seconds and then saying that the story is shit and boring.
Male: Netorare translates to Reverse Netorare on our site, same thing with Male: Rape --> Reverse Rape. Having a femdom tag on something and then regular Rape instead of Reverse Rape almost never makes sense in general.
The sadpanda version isn't "bloated". It's the better one all around. Image sizes of 1400 x 2000 on exhentai versus 1150 x 1500 with this one is a substantial difference.
You uploaded a resized version of this (73 MB compared to 150 originally). We don't allow resized galleries in general. Reupload this in the original resolution. You can get that by downloading the torrent or get a download tool like e-hentai downloader.
No. I made my stance on compilations loud and clear on several occasions. You're the one who can't read when people are telling you no. There's a difference between official tankoubons and random compilations by users on sadpanda.
The difference isn't big enough for people to actually matter or if they actually have a fetish for this (which I kind of doubt) to like one, but not the other, so no.
Yes, they will be deleted. Also, the tag importer on uploading copies the majority of tags from the exhentai gallery anyway, you just need to add missing ones and edit those with faulty names (like Dickgirl on x into Futa on x).
Don't use generic names like "e-hentai" as your source, but the actual full link where you got it from. Also, this series is far better off being uploaded in one single upload instead of 15 seperate ones. See here: http s://e-hentai. org/g/1452925/90add1c8c2/
>>1071408 @ GundamKira
It's the boy that "deleted" / killed all those women. He just decided to not do it with this sister since she has the new role of being basically his wife now.
It's because Inseki (sex with family members not related by blood) has the regular Incest tag as a prerequisite. If you want strictly blood related incest, do an advanced search excluding Inseki while including Incest.
No. Just no. It's the complete other way around. The game is miles better than the mediocre anime adaptation could hope to be. Do yourself a favor and actually play it before you make unfounded statements like that. The story is a much bigger focus in it than any of the sex scenes are. And the anime failed to explain most of the actual plot, just placing sex scene after sex scene, omitting most of the actually important parts. This is just an image gallery of those sex scenes. Seeing them on their own and then complaining that they're bad is like only watching a movie in thumbnails made every 30 seconds and then saying that the story is shit and boring.
Look up "hentai cafe" on google along with the artist name
Shotas with regular women get the Straight Shota tag, Shotacon goes to Yaoi / Futa. That was mentioned a lot of times already.
Male: Netorare translates to Reverse Netorare on our site, same thing with Male: Rape --> Reverse Rape. Having a femdom tag on something and then regular Rape instead of Reverse Rape almost never makes sense in general.
http s://exhentai. org/g/1561352/ed2ef44ea5/
this one got autocorrected to a wrong one