I know this is just supposed to be fiction but what the hell, is that kid swallow a full bottle of Viagra or something cause I feel so hard to believe anybody can cum that much without stopping to rest at all.. he still a brat though.
>>1094432 @ Nenene
Yeah it was lika a breath of a fresh air for me too but still that kid is brat, such disrespect and he only do it for his own lust doesn’t even care for his grandma feeling at all 😤
This doujinshi is so well done that you can feel it some what alive and also that Myori dude have the same vibe as Kenji Harima from School Rumble anime LMAO.
>>1088757 @ TotallyNotAnFBI
No that not how Futa give birth I mean they do have a working vagina for that.. whatever this is just a fiction, like I care less if the baby come out elsewhere
Such a waste, I would have taken the offer to fuck that Urethra hole and to top it off I’ve also into Smelly Armpits and Dark Skin. Yup I’m a weirdo :D
>>1089638 @ Anonymous162886
NTR which in it sequel the boyfriend or the husband gets his revenge and probably got to kick the rapist butt altogether .. yeah I dig that kind of story.
I always wondered how this comic will turn out if there someone perverted but have truly genuine heart and try to help this slutty girl get back with their normal life. I dig that kinda story, *sigh* if only there were that kind of story out there. I guess I can just keep hoping 🙂
There is nothing wrong with uploading short doujinshi, not everyone who visit here to come to fap you know.
You could say it a happy ending huh.. huh ??
Yeah it was lika a breath of a fresh air for me too but still that kid is brat, such disrespect and he only do it for his own lust doesn’t even care for his grandma feeling at all 😤
Now that you put it that way the plot is kinda dark.
No that not how Futa give birth I mean they do have a working vagina for that.. whatever this is just a fiction, like I care less if the baby come out elsewhere
Whoa didn’t know they’re other like this, thanks.
PS: I somehow predict that trap will ask him for money after they’re done LOL
NTR which in it sequel the boyfriend or the husband gets his revenge and probably got to kick the rapist butt altogether .. yeah I dig that kind of story.