He's getting too M. She had originally planned to kill him in the first one, and then says be glad I changed my mind. Then he's all thanks! I'll serve you now... Too much M for me
Nice art, guy is too much of a pushover. Can't be doing that M stuff for no reason. Plus she's a piece of crap for bringing him back with the purpose of killing him. (She changed her mind).
Anonymous124901 on
They just abuse him....
Kid got raped but fought back with techniques
Anonymous124901 on
Not for me. Makes no sense how he goes from being excited from being watched to wanting to he humiliated by her
Shows the double standard of society in that she thinks that changing some of his hormones into a girls would help him to reform. At least that's what she says to him in the beginning to cover her true intentions.

Seems more like rape as he's being groomed to accept this. IMO should have the rape tag
Shes got no leg to stand on when she says he owes her for the 'other' 107 times he raped her, as shes raped tons of people too. Good regardless
No NTR here. They both invite him to join, he just doesn't. Surprise I don't have empathy here, can't see myself in his position
I don't get it... It goes from him asking her to stay with him, to her leaving. FeelsBadMan
Wants to see her pee, so what does he do? Lies down on his bed for it... Makes sense. Good nonetheless
First ever time seeing shota turn the tables on the older girl. Anyone recommend more like this?
Anonymous124901 on
No Rape tag now, but she does start completely without his consent
Ya it's complete crap because he didn't get to experience any of it
JK rapes elementary schooler, borders on abuse... But still fap material
Never beg for it, even if it was his scheme
Glad this wasn't actual tsundere, that stuff sucks
It's a turn-off when the girl says to assault her more, as if it wasn't consensual....
Hate M guys
Always annoying when they apologize for cumming
Fuck the first story. He can clearly go to the teacher to have sex, but instead he pesters the girl and then gets fucked by some guys and ends up liking it? Fuckin loser shit that would never happen. Other stories are good though
Decent story.

But it's so annoying when the girl takes advantage of the guy and he just accepts it. He peeped on them, then she openly peeps on him and says that he owes her. They're already even at that point. But when he sees her stern expression he gets afraid. Come on man.

Tired of the guy being afraid of the chick.
Ya real turn off when she claims she owns him and he doesn't say anything back.
This one (part 4) ruins the story almost completely. It almost invalidates the previous story entirely. Skip this one

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