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Philosophy 101
young wise man
stumbled upon this and i fell into deep....deep ass story like holy shit..the story is just so rich and..sad still catches my attention :') kudos to Kharisma Jati
...that one almost turns my mind upside down
Could someone explain this to a naïve perv like me :'(
I love how little it takes to impress the people here.
This is really deep man I need to stop smoking weed then reading this author's stuff because in this one night I read everything in order and now I've fallen into a deep deep depression I need to go to bed.
wtf was this? Why did she kill the husband? Why did you kid not blame the mom? And now she doesn't want her kid? wtf is this shit?
you asked why did she kill him WHAT IN THEORY FLCL DID YOU ACTUALLY READ IT I WOULD HAVE THEORY THEORY SAME DAMN THING the dude worked all day while she got raped tucked over 4 guys
one of my favs so far, so cool...

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