19 comments (0 hidden)

Wow, I actually enjoyed this, a lot.
Man, i want to kill some NTR fatso so bad right now
Got me angry to that fatso instead of getting horny
Should have took her ass
I hate her -_-
I hate her
I hate ntr
It's a https://********.***/ over it.
really want to kil that fucker, how can i fapped to this while reading a doujinshi hentai that make me mad?!
Fuvk me
The guy kidnapped never had his hands tied out wtf
How sad...

I have always wondered whether the police are corrupt and thus don't do a damn in hentai. Its also funny how hard some ntr try but fall flat. But the drawing are good through.

A typical case of the inverse fappablility law.
Wow that was sad
at least the woman happy
fck this shit
great :)
I dont know what i must type.
I enjoying this also hate this
I love NTR but I hate fat guys. When will we FINALLY GET A FUCKING TAG FOR THAT?
Its good
FUUCK! I want to fap but this makes me mad. what am I thinking reading ntr was a good idea. FUCK! that guy is a scumbag, he rape her in front of her husband. IF I was in his place(husband), I would go fucking angryy like guts when his lover got raped by griffith. I wanna beat that piece of shit, crush his fucking dick, stomp his nutsack and punch that shit in the face. and then call the fucking police so he can go to the fucking jail where he will get ass raped everday.

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