10 comments (0 hidden)

Oh boy
about time Betelgeuse makes his doujin debut. this was different and a bit nice considering other ntr tags. well made
I honestly feel really sorry for this artist because after he released this NTR doujinshi he got his house burned and it killed his cats, wiped out all of his works and also his PS4, he fell sick afterward and recently his hard drive that he used for work is now broken.
Is there a source on that?
Jin, its true. read the article . https://********.***/
Holy fish Molly , why rem has to gone through all this shit , if that girl is ram , I'll fap a hundred times
I love Remila
My name says all
"I love Remila"
And this effects our lives how...?
Still better than watching rem with subaru Who cry every goddamn scene. I Love this
The author would just do this to poor Subaru just to punish him for no reason god I feel terrible for him

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