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Finally after all these years I found thanks yo r/hentaisource. So a guy and his friend talk about a model he likes and a girl that has bamgs covering her entire eyes gets jealous. When they are alone she talks about it and says if he likes girls like that. She tells him she's got a surprise for him but its a secret. Sje gives herself a little makeover with her hair and she looks like a model without the hair covering her eyes. He gets turned on and reveals her tits and sucks on them which makes her wet. After that he fucks her and takes her virginity. After that they talk and he gives a comment about her being bolder which makes her nervous. The End. I give this a 10 out of 10 because I rarely see females in Doujins with hair covering their entire eyes. I will admit she does look cute with and without the hair covering her entire eyes.

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