New Tag: Drain / どれいん [Artist]

Tag Data
Type: Artist
English: Drain
Japanese: どれいん
Alternatives: -
Description: Fanbox - https://********.***//
Fantia - https://********.***/
Pixiv - https://********.***/
Contribution Information
Submitted by: Marik
Submitted on: May 02, 2024 at 04:35:53
Last updated: May 02, 2024 at 04:44:40
Status: Pending Review
Note: Upload: At That Place... / あの場所で…

Should this contribution be approved?

5 comments (0 hidden)

According to my information, a different drain than Drain
Hmmmm.. what should we do on this one?
I would allow both to exist in parallel. On the one hand, I think it is unlikely that both entries will receive large new entries and on the other hand, I like to have artists separately. As an example on E/EX there are 3 different artists listed under hal / hal, as there are 2 more under these names.
If you search for more of that artist, you don't want to see anything from people with similar names.
To stay with the example, the one with these names here also has his in Japanese characters. From the one we already have here there are all works with the name in Latin characters only.
I did the same with the characters. There are 3 characters with the name Yamato.
Yamato, probably the best known so far. But that's also due to her age.
Yamato (Arpeggio of Blue Steel), there's surprisingly little about her. I admit I don't know the original manga, but it seems to be still running, but I can't judge how successful it is and how popular she is.
Yamato (One Piece) / ヤマト, the Rising Star. It was well received in the OP community and is still very popular.

Say you want to see more of the OP Yamato. Do you really want to search through the other entries in the hope of finding something? I would say very few people do that.
At the end of the day, this is your site.
You make the rules.
What bothers me about E/Ex is that some of it is really stupid. That's why I worked my way through the Fire Emblem / ファイアーエムブレム section here.
If I just want more of the dating sim (especially the current parts), I can just use the general tag. But if you are looking for something more specific.

As long as I'm active here, I'll be taking special care of the Fire Emblem part.
Even if not many people read it. Or simply don't rate it, I'll keep it in order. And when I'm in the mood again, I'll work my way through the individual sections and tidy things up.

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